The Sandpoint Junction Connector bridge project is chugging along right on – or ahead of – schedule. To meet the growing needs of the communities BNSF serves, BNSF is building a second rail bridge over Lake Pend Oreille adjacent to the existing rail bridge. BNSF is also building new bridges over Sand Creek and Bridge Street in Sandpoint. As of September 3, all but three piers have been installed for the Lake Pend Oreille bridge, as well as eight spans of girders. Contractors are currently working on the superstructure of the bridge. Progress continues on the installation of the Sand Creek bridge and will continue into the winter months as the lake level draw down continues. The railroad bridge at Bridge Street is substantially complete.
The Army Corps of Engineers has begun their annual drawdown to bring the lake level down to fall elevation targets. BNSF reminds boaters to be aware, slow down, and use caution when operating watercraft near the construction site.
Stay up to date on the project here.