Make-A-Wish® Oregon, which also serves Clark County, Wash., grants the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Many children and their families describe the wish experience as a turning point in their fight against a life-threatening medical condition.

This year, BNSF Railway Foundation partnered with Make-A-Wish and granted the wish of Megan
who is also from Clark County. The wish covered the cost of a service dog through a certified training agency and travel for Megan and her mom to attend training. Her mom noted, “I was worried I was ‘losing’ Megan due to the fact that Megan wouldn’t leave the house or come out of her room. With the dog, the way she came out of her shell and came to life was unimaginable.” Her service dog, McCoy, comes with her to school and to medical appointments and is a constant source of unconditional love and support. The service dog is instrumental to Megan in helping her gain independence as she grows.