The BNSF Railway Foundation continues to invest in the communities across the 28 states through which BNSF operates, and where BNSF employees live, work and volunteer. Recent contributions include:
Providing Beds in Snohomish County
BNSF Railway Foundation is honored to support efforts to end the cycle of homelessness and poverty. To help achieve those efforts, BNSF provided a $5,000 grant to Housing Hope, a Snohomish County organization that supports families dealing with homelessness and poverty. The funds will help the organization meet the needs of families living under Housing Hope; last year 91 percent of their families maintained housing.
Supporting Recovery and Healthy Futures
BNSF Railway Foundation donated $3,500 to Spokane Valley’s Healing Lodge of the Seven Nations. The lodge is a 45-bed adolescent residential chemical dependency treatment center that serves youth aged 13-17. While it focuses on the Native American population, the lodge’s services are open to all youth.
Funding Emergency Medical Services
BNSF supports the communities we work in with jobs and philanthropy. The BNSF Railway Foundation recently donated $10,000 to the Klickitat County EMS District 1 to purchase autodefibrillation devices called “Auto Thumpers.” They provide consistent high quality compression to people who need CPR.
Housing Families in Need
Mary’s Place provides safe shelter and services that support women, children and families on their journey out of homelessness. With nine emergency family shelters in King County, Mary’s Place ensures daily basic needs are met with meals, showers and laundry facilities. BNSF Railway Foundation donated $25,000 to support these valuable emergency shelters services.